The History of

Highlighting the
years 2013-2016
Thank You to VFW Auxiliary 10483 for 28 years of faithful service!
Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States
"When we assumed the Soldier, we did not lay aside the Citizen."
- George Washington
June 26, 1775

Chartered July 31, 1988; P.O. Box 9479, Hot Springs Village, AR 71910

The "Breakfast Club"
The "Breakfast Club" was formed as a result of the disbanding of Military of the Cootie (MOC), Pup Tent 9 at Post 10483 in 2013. Members determined it was an unnecessary duplication of time, effort, & paperwork to keep up with another organization within the VFW. Although we admire the hospital work of the MOC, our members determined that we could still engage in our hospital volunteer work without a Pup Tent. We found that newer members to the VFW were not interested in joining the MOC (and paying an additional $22 per year membership fee) and therefore we elected to disband. This is not to say the work of the MOC was outdated (far from it), but the organization itself with all its crazy antics were not relevent to today's veterans at this post. At the suggestion of Cootie member Rick "Spike" Martin the meeting was moved to the Home Plate Cafe for a breakfast club meeting in honor of Rick's "Breakfast Club" morning gatherings at the Operations Dining Hall Tent at Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar during his time in Operation Iraqi Freedom & Operation Enduring Freedom 2003.

Ft Roots

(Photos by Rick Martin)

Dorothy Gardner
(1921-2016) For many many years Dorothy was an active member of the Cootie Pup Tent and VFW and she deserves a place of honor on this page. She moved to Wisconsin due to health reasons and to be near her family. The ice cream visits were first coordinated by Dorothy & Roger. Dorothy until her last days, still sent Christmas & Valentines Day cards for veterans at Ft Roots. What a LADY! Dorothy was a veteran's veteran. SALUTE! (Photo by Rick Martin)
Roger Witcraft
(1932-2014) Roger was the epitome of a Cootie. He served the organization for many years as a member of the Honor Guard and the Cooties visiting the Ft Roots VA Hospital for over 20 years. The ice cream visits were first coordinated by Roger & Dorothy. You are missed at the Breakfast Club Shipmate! (Photo by Rick Martin)

Last Post 10483 Cootie Meeting at the McAuley Center (Photo by Rick Martin).
"Cootie" Hospital Group members who were the forerunners of today's Breakfast Club. Roger Witcraft, Jim Grant, Scott Hornbruch, Bill Mulcahy, Dave Yard, Dale Auten, Jan Boyd (not pictured are Rick Martin, Van Robbins, Steve Scheurer, Bill Lockridge, Ron Southwick, & Dorothy Gardner).
The Iraqi Freedom Al Udeid AB, Qatar "Breakfast Club" - 2003
The Original Breakfast Club - CDR Tom "Hound" Brandt, CDR Mark "Dark Mold" Dold, CDR Pat "Pellet" Connelly, CAPT Rick "Spike" Martin at the "Operations" side Chow Tent. The other chow hall was at Camp Andy, still good food (trailers).

CDR Mark Dold, LtCol "Jane" Russell, CDR Pat Connelly, CDR Bill "Pinch" Paisley, CAPT Rick "Spike" Martin - Breakfast Club at the Operations Dining Hall (Tent) at 0630.

Norwegian F-16 pilot (left), "Whip" Cox, MAJ Mike “Disco” Engle USAF, CDR Chris "Frodo" Sorenson, Maj "Rhino" Evans, USAF Maj. Mark Clark (Current Ops) - Breakfast Club at the Operations Ding Hall Tent at 0630.

CAPT "Spike" Martin USN, CDR Mark "Dark Mold" Dold USN, Wing CDR Tim Wilkinson RAF, CAPT Ken Flowers USN, LtCol Mike Brennan USAF - Breakfast Club at the US Embassy, Islamabad, Pakistan 2003.
The Navy Combined Air Operations Center Team, Al Udeid AB, Qatar - 2003